Sunday, July 31, 2011

Great Giveaways!!!!!

I found some more GREAT GIVEAWAYS :)

Check them out!!!!!! Some are ending soon!

  • Knocked Up and Nursing Grovia Cloth Wipes (ends Aug 1) - I hear these are excellent quality wipes!
  • Mama B Blog Radian XTSL Car Seat (ends Aug 22) - My not so little little man is growing like a weed and will soon be too big for his infant car seat.  Winning this would be absolutely AWESOME!!!!!!
  • Mommy Kat and Kids Lovely Pocket Diapers (ends Aug 3) - I just adore all the prints they have available
  • Glimpse Reviews Changing on the Go (ends Aug 3) - Glimpse has tons of awesome giveaways this week!!!!
  • Jem's Room Eco Sprout (ends Aug 6) - The scents sound very YUMMY!
  • Sweet as Honey Burt's Bees Tips and Toes (ends Aug 8)

The Fair!!!!! Ow Ow Ow

The fair has come to town!!!!! Oh joy!!!!

As a child 
I LOVED the fair.
I LOVED the rides.
I LOVED the overpriced food and overpriced silly games for dollar store teddy bears.

So this year I took my children for the first time.  I had always been weary of the safety of mobile fair equipment but this year I had finally given into peer pressure, I loaded the children in the car and off we went.

The kids LOVED it as most do and they all departed in one piece eagerly expressing their desire to go again in the following years to come.

Hubby and I however we not so fortunate.  We left that fair ground nauseated, poor, bruised and in need of a full year to recover from the days excitement!  

Oh if only to be young again!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - At the Beach

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Saving the World One Frog at a Time

Five Green and Speckled Frogs were found in our basement window well eating some most delicious bugs - YUM YUM

Unfortunately, they were trapped!!!!

The rescue effort commenced  
The boys were the braver of the crew 

Mission Success
All froggies were freed and jumped happily away

Blogger Virgin Reveals Herself


Here I am.... with a blog....

As a teenager I spent a large proportion of my time writing.  My life was documented in all it's glory.  The good.... The bad.... The ugly....  The turmoil that is teenage existence.   I still have those journals.  The written memories. I don't read them though.  They are kept deep in the crevices of the basement mixed among the abandoned incandescent Christmas lights and the 'Are You Afraid of the Dark' books my kids are too cool to read. I like them there.

Then a time in my life came when I could no longer write.  I had a baby.  I began seeking a life which I was confused into thinking I wanted.  I lost time.  I lost memories.  I lost one of the most enjoyable activities in my life.  Writing.

9 years passed and I find myself here.  I have ALOT to say.  ALOT has happened during that time.  ALOT continues to happen each day.  Will my life intrigue you?  Probably not......  But on the off chance you are interested......... ENJOY  :)