I am actually quite excited about this year and have quite a few plans/resolutions lined up.
#1. Become organized (and what better way to do that than to start off with a 2012 list???)
There are many many many smaller (though some big) projects involved with this one
- The first one being THE BASEMENT eek! My basement is bad... Real bad... It could probably even get me on 'Hoarders'
- Then I need to purge. I intend to go through my home square inch by square inch and get rid of everything and anything my family does not need.
- Then there are my memories. I have lots and lots of memories scattered ALL OVER the place. This year I intend to organize them all into a nice not so little scrapbook and perhaps I'll finish my children's baby book along the way.... The oldest is 10 and it would be nice to get that thing completed by the time the poor dear moves out!
#2. Improve our finances
We have debt. A lot of debt. We would love to buy land and build ourselves our dream home but that just can't happen until we get our financial head above water. This year I'm determined to do just that. This year those credit cards WILL be paid off! Here's my method of attack:
- Use those coupons! I'm certainly not a couponer newbie but I'm eager to take it a little further this and I am aiming to save at least $150 monthly using those lovely little money saving slips of paper.
- Make money online.
- Sell things we do not use or need (which meshes quite nicely with my organization goal)
#3. Improve my health
I don't necessarily want to lose weight (though that would be a bonus), but I would love to 'feel' better.
Currently feeling: Blah
Would like to feel: Awesome
- So, in attempts to feel AWESOME I have decided to get up and be active.... at least a few times a week.....
- I also intend to eat healthier.... I like food.... I like food a lot.... There are certain things in life I just won't give up.... and many of them are edible.... I won't dare to even attempt to eat "healthy".... so I'll stick with 'healthier'...
#4. Me Me Me
I feel as though I have neglected myself over the past few years.
I miss "me" so I'm gonna try to get her back! I'm going to start doing "ME" things again.
- I'm going to buy myself some desperately needed new clothes <GASP>
- I'm going to spend time scrap booking
- I'm going to spend time writing
- I'M GOING TO WRITE IN MY BLOG! I've neglected it for far too long. This year I'm determined to keep at it. I love to write. It only makes sense to keep doing it!
#5. Be a better mommy
Life has been a little chaotic since Baby Peanut entered into our lives and sometimes I feel that my kids just don't get the attention and care they deserve. I've also observed a few more not so ideal behaviors/temper tantrums occurring lately than I would like to see. Somethings have to change and they have to change NOW!
- This year I plan to ensure that each kid gets individual Mommy-Kid time free from distractions from their other siblings.
- I would also like to help my kids become intrinsically motivated to help out around the house.
- I would like to move away from authoritative parenting style I have appeared to have fallen into and a create a better democratic natured atmosphere within our household. Wish me luck!
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