I caved and went running to the hospital this afternoon.
Peanut's fever continued into the morning as did his fussiness.
The visit was fairly inconclusive. The only thing made for certain was that Peanut is extremely cute sick or not... and that I already knew!
Of course, the fever dissipated as soon as we walked through the hospital doors, though he remained unsettled. He cried and cried as the nurse took his vitals. It broke my heart. The doctor then assessed him and found that Peanut's left ear showed "very slight" inflammation. The doctor said the problem was very likely an ear infection but due to the mildness of the inflammation the source of the infection could very well lie elsewhere... Perhaps a urinary tract infection?
Like I said, inconclusive.
As we were walking out of the hospital room, Peanut started smiling, laughing and waving. Gotta love it when kiddos make liars out of us, but it was lovely to see him cheery after days of being miserable! The rest of the day Peanut showed gradual improvement. He had moments of happiness, he crawled around, played for awhile AND he even ate supper. He still preferred to spend most of his time cuddling and he was still "warmer" than usual, but improvement was certainly evident.
As such, I was/am on the fence as to whether or not I should give him the antibiotics. He's still not well, but he is slightly better. There's a large part of me wanting to believe it was an ear infection and that my mommy milk did something in helping to reduce the inflammation. I'd love to believe that he's on the mend and there's no need for antibiotics, but there's still a small part of me worried that the infection stems from elsewhere and that delaying treatment may make it worse.
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